7 Year Bitch

is like a nice dash of paprika- Dorothy Parker
"Before you get up in arms over how unfair it is to discriminate against people who are overweight, consider that there may be some rationale behind it. If you're overweight, you're probably not
exercising every day. But regular exercise increases peoples' ability to cope with difficult situations in the workplace and, according to University of Illinois
kinesiology professor Charles Hillman, might even make people smarter. " (links her her own, pasted from the page)
First off, size does not necessarily have anything to do with exercise. Some people have lower metabolism and, therefore, can exercise a few times a week and still be larger than people who never exercise at all.
Second, not only is this article a waste of space, it is offensive, disgusting and one of the worst displays of fatphobia I have ever witnessed!
"It's not about choice. It's not about health care. It's about making everyone
collaborators with the culture of death."
"feminism and romance are not incompatible and feminism may actually improve
the quality of heterosexual relationships, according to Laurie Rudman and
Julie Phelan, from Rutgers University in the US. Their study* also shows
that unflattering feminist stereotypes, that tend to stigmatize feminists as
unattractive and sexually unappealing, are unsupported."
No one — doctors, aid workers, Congolese and Western researchers — can explain exactly why this is happening.
“That is the question,” said AndrĂ© Bourque, a Canadian consultant who works with aid groups in eastern Congo. “Sexual violence in Congo reaches a level never reached anywhere else. It is even worse than in Rwanda during the genocide.”
"People don't realize how serious stalking is," she said. "You constantly live in fear, look over your shoulder and suffer from psychological and physical symptoms due to the stress of the stalker."Bizarre. But maybe not so unexpected, considering that Wal-Mart once removed this shirt off it's shelves, deeming it too offensive and incompatible with the company values.She wondered aloud: What's next?
"Some say it's rape, I call it hot sex"? Or: "Some call it domestic violence, I say I'm just teaching her a lesson"?
I’d like to thank the organizers of these types of events for reminding Americans what’s at stake in our culture war, why politics is important and what it means to be a San Francisco liberal. Each of us can now more easily think of our town, our school or our local park being the site of one of these obscene events. Of course they have the right to project their deviance—within the parameters of the law—as an expression of their free speech. But, every other American also has the right to protest and say, “Oh no. Not here. Not in our community!”And thanks again for reminding the whole world, and especially Christians, why the words “homosexual” and “anti-Christian” are—in practical terms—synonyms.
Well thanks all you guys for reminding me why I, myself, enjoyed the fair. It is probably (unless you are raving like a crazy person protesting at the barriers) the last place I would see people like you.