Ok, I though I had seen some of the most offensive Halloween costumes ever, but this one really takes the cake.
As someone who has dealt on and off for most of her life with various eating disorders (or as someone who has watched others cope) I am completely disgusted and offended by this costume. It would be one thing if someone were to wear a costume commenting on the prevelence of eating disorders or bizarreness of body image issues in society, but to wear or sell one that sexifies a death threatening desease is just plain sickening.
Oh, and just in case you haven't had your fill of costume that make mental illness sexy, check out Ella Mental.
wow that's so fucked up. where are you a shoppin for halloween costumes these days, vix? frederick's of hollywood?
i wanted to be the log lady this year, but i thought it might be too frumpy. in high school i embraced frumpy, but now that i'm older it's all about big parties and looking hot, and using halloween as an excuse to unleash your inner slut. so hard to strike a balance sometimes. sigh.
That is so crazy. That store should be ashamed. Makes me furious. I am recovering from an eating disorder (or at least trying to) and this makes it even more difficult. My blog is http://goodbyeed.blogspot.com/.
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