Monday, March 3, 2008

I was always under the impression that stupid, idiot, offensive people were usually under the impression that they are actually smarter than everyone else.

Not Charlotte Allen.

In her article, published in the Washington Post last Sunday, Allen writes about how maybe we should just give up on this who feminism thing and relinquish the brains to the men. She also says that she neither add two and two nor count the shoes in her closet.

"I can't help it, but reading about such episodes of screaming, gushing and swooning makes me wonder whether women -- I should say, "we women," of course -- aren't the weaker sex after all. Or even the stupid sex, our brains permanently occluded by random emotions, psychosomatic flailings and distraction by the superficial. Women "are only children of a larger growth," wrote the 18th-century Earl of Chesterfield. Could he have been right?"
Oh, and here is another gem.

The theory that women are the dumber sex -- or at least the sex that gets into more car accidents -- is amply supported by neurological and standardized-testing evidence. Men's and women's brains not only look different, but men's brains are bigger than women's (even adjusting for men's generally bigger body size). The important difference is in the parietal cortex, which is associated with space perception. Visuospatial skills, the capacity to rotate three-dimensional objects in the mind, at which men tend to excel over women, are in turn related to a capacity for abstract thinking and reasoning, the grounding for mathematics, science and philosophy. While the two sexes seem to have the same IQ on average (although even here, at least one recent study gives males a slight edge), there are proportionally more men than women at the extremes of very, very smart and very, very stupid.

She later said the article was tongue in cheek.

1 comment:

amityb said...

OMG she even realizes the truth that men and women have similar IQs on average, but insists on zeroing in on "one study"! Nice. Very scholarly indeed.

With female morons like this speaking up on behalf of misogyny, we really are at the mercy of a biased media.

I hate her. I want to write her hate mail every day.