Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shane & Carmen 4ever

For those of you who don't know, watching the L Word is one of greatest joys in life. So today I was missing it so much (since the new season doesn't start for quite a while) that I looked it up on youtube to see if there were any weird clip mashups/music videos and I found some decent ones.

Shane and Carmen

I like this one except I wanted it to show the whole leaving Carmen at the altar thing.
I liked this one better, I think...

The crazy thing is that these are all made by the same person, username shaneycarmenforever.
I would like them to get back together but this is kind nuts.
And pretty awesome.

FYI: This one was made by user iluvshane

Badass Bikini Kill+Shane=awesome.


amityb said...

Somebody told me this blog is supposed to have sexy kids on it, what up with that.

JOY said...

you're going to hate me but i totally walked by actress who is shane as she packed into her friends car after surfing at a beach in malibu. she looked very shane. probably cuz she was but you know how some people look different. anyway, she didn't.