Friday, July 25, 2008

Super Depressing The View

So yesterday I was watching TV at the gym and I caught part of a View episode.
Yes, I watch television when I am working out because, for me, cardio is impossibly boring without an episode of Lost or (if I don't feel like downloading shows onto my ipod) CNN or ABC stuff on Gold's Gym's giant television screens.
So, this particular episode focused on plastic surgery and in one particular segment they brought in a girl who had gotten breast reduction and liposuction at 15!
I understand the breast reduction was necessary because people gave her so much hell for her DDs and she couldn't jog and everything but a TUMMY TUCK?
When asked why, the girl said that no matter how much she exercised, she could never get rid of her belly. Her mother added that it was partially because her daughter was beginning to show signs of an eating disorder AND IT WAS A PREVENTATIVE PROCEDURE TO STOP IT FROM GETTING WORSE.
Jezebel has a clip of all this.
There are so many things wrong with this. First off, when someone shows signs of an eating disorder, they need a psychologist, not PLASTIC SURGERY!
Second, in my experience (and I know that I cannot speak for all people who have had eating disorders but I think that this is a pretty universally agreed-upon statement) eating disorders, in most cases, have very little to do with what your body actually looks like. Shrinking one part of your body is not going to make your issues go away. If that was the case, anorectics and bulimics would stop dieting and purging once they reached their "goal" weight.
I am not against plastic surgery, although I have no plans to get it myself, but I am anti liposuction, just like I am against extreme dieting, unless it is for medical reasons. I understand that there are crazy beauty standards out there and they are very difficult to deal with- after therapy I still struggle and cave to this shit sometimes- but shouldn't we be fighting against these standards instead of just acceptig that they are going to get more and more unhealthy? They are just going to get crazier.
This is just too depressing for me, I am signing off.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shane & Carmen 4ever

For those of you who don't know, watching the L Word is one of greatest joys in life. So today I was missing it so much (since the new season doesn't start for quite a while) that I looked it up on youtube to see if there were any weird clip mashups/music videos and I found some decent ones.

Shane and Carmen

I like this one except I wanted it to show the whole leaving Carmen at the altar thing.
I liked this one better, I think...

The crazy thing is that these are all made by the same person, username shaneycarmenforever.
I would like them to get back together but this is kind nuts.
And pretty awesome.

FYI: This one was made by user iluvshane

Badass Bikini Kill+Shane=awesome.