I am finally coming out of a horrible migraine attack that last five days. FIVE days! During the process, mostly consisting of me lying on the couch watching America's Next Top Model reruns, a Queer as Folk marathon (thank you, James), random action movies (thank you, John and Danny) and finally some super badass (meaning kind of ridiculous) Tudors episodes (thank you, Amity).
In the process, I have learned the following:
1.) The Passion of the Christ was not Mel Gibson's first totally gory movie (believe it or not, I had never seen Braveheart).
2.) At one point, Mel Gibson was (kind of) okay looking.
3.) Janice Dickenson doesn't think that blindness should be a problem for runway models. I mean, I am all for equal opportunity, but wouldn't they fall off the runway? Tyra also made legally blind Amanda on cycle 3 do a rollerskating shoot (although Amanda kicked ass on the shoot).
4.) Ms. Dickenson also thinks that it is totally fine to pick on a girls weight after she comes out about being bulimic. Furthermore, shouldn't the girl have been eliminated (so that she could seek treatment) once she told Tyra she had an eating disorder. No. Of course not.
5.) The actress who plays Anne Boleyn on The Tudors is super, SUPER smug.
6.) The plague was hella crazy and super sad.
7.) The last season of Queer as Folk is so much worse than the others (I knew that, but had forgotten)
8.) Trader Joe's stuffed poblano peppers are really yummy.
7.) Oh, and I will probably have migraines for the rest of my life because my hormones are out of whack. Great.
Well, at least I, unlike Ted on Queer as Folk, am not about to undergo major plastic surgery for no apparent reason. That would probably hurt even more.