Friday, January 25, 2008

Vagina Dentata to the Max!!

I have yet to see the movie Teeth (although I kind of want to) but, in honor of the film, New York magazine has released a list of the top ten scariest vagina dentatas ever!!
I personally think that Videodrome is the creepiest, although I don't really see the dentata part. Mostly just the vagina part.
Anyway, for those interested, here is a clip of the first five minutes of Teeth


gjg said...

Yeah, I don't get the Videodrome thing. There's that part where the guy tries to stick a videotape in James Woods' stomach cavity, but then when he pulls his hand out, it's been transformed into a grenade, and he explodes... not really any "dentata" there.

That clip from "Teeth" was disturbing... was that weird CG title sequence supposed to represent sperm and eggs fighting or something??

Anyway, I just had to watch this chaser to make it all better:

Vix said...

Yeah like vagina bomb.

amityb said...

I can't believe I've never heard of this movie, or vagina dentatas. It sounds like a medical term an oral surgeon/gynecologist would use.

To be screened with: Ginger Snaps, The Handmaid's Tale, and selected Steve Martin scenes from Little Shop of Horrors to play up the theme of teeth and modern dentistry.