Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sexism, sexism, sexism

If I hear ONE more person talk shit about the women voters in New Hampshire I will puke. I can't vote- I am Canadian. And if I could I would likely vote for Obama, since I am not particularly fond of political aristocracy and I like his stance on the war.
But Judas Priest people, smarten up! If I have to read one more post about Hilary crying and how that is the only reason why she got the vote last night and how it is because too many women in New Hampshire voted I will have to start getting medieval on people's asses!
After both Bush elections, people blamed the outcome on the fact that too few women voted. Now too many voted?
Also, first Hilary was too "hard" and now she is too soft? WTF?
Most of all, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of having EVERYTHING about Hilary being attributed to that fact that she is a woman. Maybe people voted for her because they liked her. And does anyone ever think about how many presidents the US has elected based on their masculinity?
Even Jezebel is getting all sexist on our asses:

New Hampshire women, after telling pollster after pollster they were ready for change, went inside the booths and had a little cry. Maybe they felt bad for Hillary for sticking it out in that humiliating, mirth-free marriage of hers only to vote against her now. Maybe it reminded them of the time they stuck it out in an emotionally abusive situation and only got through it because somehow, somewhere, they still held out hope that karma would make it all right in the end. Well, that is not an audacious hope. That is a STUPID hope.

And, has anyone ever considered that even if people are voting for Hilary because she is a woman, SO MANY OTHERS that I KNOW are voting for Obama because he is hot?
Like I said, I would vote for Obama. But this is just immature and sexist bullshit.

Jezebel poster Moe explains what she said. I guess.


amityb said...

Yep yep. It's a sad day when even Maureen Dowd is overly psychoanalyzing Mrs. Clinton's every move, as if Clinton were a little girl in a big man's game. (See "Can Hillary Cry Her Way Back to the White House?" in today's NYT).

amityb said...

I wish you'd blog more.