Friday, March 7, 2008

"Girls Rock" Looks Super Bad Ass!!!

Oh my goodness. I wish I could have gone to this camp when I was 11. To think of the years of therapy I could have been spared...

No, seriously though. this documentary looks amazing. Basically, a rock camp for girls (of a pretty large age range) that seems to focus on bringing their self esteem up instead of pushing it down and encourages individuality instead if conformity and general mundaneness.

Furthermore, it seems to be pushing for music that is actually cool, based on the soundtrack and samples from the girls' music.

I am so excited. I can't wait. When I have daughters, they are definitely going to this camp.

This trailer totally made me tear up. I think I am going to watch it five more times now.

1 comment:

amityb said...

This does look super bad ass, and how. What was the last song they played in the background? I recognize the singer. I must know.

Ginger Snaps 3 rules!!!